Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My new way

If the idea occured in your mind to send me a postal at Via Fransisco Sivori, 13, don't do it, I'm not there anymore.
I left the catholic surroudings of the Vatican to the also-catholic surroundings of Ostiense and Piramide, to the South. Only 20 minuts of walking per day instead of one-hour-and-a-half-almost-two I used to do; however, even if my fitness will be (a bit) worse, my lungs will be (a lot) better. Indeed, thoses last beautiful days, I've been able to discover the orange-grey smog I merily crossed each day during the three previous months.

My new way pictured, then :
At the corner, the caffè-at-the-corner; in front of it, at the end of the street, the great wall and the Piazza Ardeatino, and the stairs crossing the wall

In front of the wall, the handrail I'll slide on this evening
Upstairs, the symetric street; houses look the same in both sides of it

The market on the piazza at the end of the symetric street, warming hands and the fao...

And, from the top-floor of the fao, the sight to the west, and to the Vatican, in the north-western back-ground and above, the orange-grey smog.

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