Friday, December 22, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
fishes z'and co
Italians markets are fun. I mean, the one which is near my building is fun. You can find there anything you want. Like a supermarket along a street. People have their own stand in bricks and mortar where they sell their stuff.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Arctic ices
Monday, December 11, 2006
two weekends' pictures
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I'm walking on a lake, the wind comes and caress my face, it's not cold yet. People going by are like a mist which wraps me, brushing me without destabilizing me, an uprising fog or clouds going down to cover the plains. The icy stretch of my lake is getting smaller and smaller ; already, water it's not solid anymore, it leaves the ice and flows in its bed. I jump on more secure rocks. Cars are streams which splach me with their exhaust gaz, grumbling as a river in flood. My rocks bring me to the middle of the street ; I just have enough time to jump off of it and the rectangular pebbles of the zebra crossing are carried away by the flow.
The ridge of the sidewalk becomes the line of a snowdrift : on the left side, to the south-west, the gentle slope of the névé brings me into the mist, on the other side, on the north face, the snowdrift crumbles above the emptiness. Cars become squalls which brush me and almost make me fall. The wind is now cold, I'm walking gently on this layer of snow become ice. I'm thinking at white stretches of Antarctica where the sun doesn't set down anymore.
This summer again, American earthwork contractors are building up a road to reach the South pole. They are going to colonise some of the last parts of Earth that almost nobody has walked on it. This part of Earth we are not adapted to live on. Why do American people always need to do such things?...
Erratum, the project since has been signed by signers of the Antarctic Traity, so France. Stupid Frenchies...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Week-end (sorryI'mlateTHEEND)

From the end of Via Nazionale, the Vatican was already into dusk. Something wonderful : those school of birds, as school of fishes, were turning and turning again in the sky, shining and dark. There were making monsters walking above the city, and diving into its guts, ephemeral fireworks' clouds vanishing in a split second. Italo Calvino, a Roman author describes it better than me though, in "Palomar".
I spent my sunday looking for letters.
Whenever you come to Rome, you need to visit this museum. It's an extract of black humor. Piazza del Popolo, almost at dusk.
That's all folks
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Week-end (sorryI'mlate)
Piazza San Pietro, I meet a brass band. Unfortunaitely, I'm too late to be able to hear them. They looked professional, I mean, more than our banda, in Toulouse.
I walked then into the left bank, to visit it : there are so many streets I don't know, I lost myself each time : that's more difficult than walking into a bush, kiwi or French... And there are people, walking somewhere, car and scooters rolling somewhere else. Would be funny if streets where moving also.
I was looking for some good place where to finish my book. I chose a park, a guy was playing trumpet. Nevertheless not well enough, I've been able to hear some false notes. It was good though : on my bench warmed by a hot sun's ray, I was on this beach the autor describes, climbing into the boat and feeling the movements of waves.
I don't know what to life in Rome is not very active. I think about things, but I forget my thoughts, once I want to type them on my keyboard... Oh, yeah, I bought a pullover.
There some pictures of Roman stuff.
fucking Blogger! I can't publish pictures...